Overpopulation in China

Overpopulation is nothing new to the Chinese. It has been a part of their history for as long as we can remember. Its population is currently at 1.24 billion, and although the Chinese government has been making various efforts to control the population growth rate of China, there are still very many issues regarding their overpopulation that need to be solved.

What are the population problems for the current China
Despite the rapid growth of the Chinese economy, unemployment is still prevalent. Because of government intervention, they are about 400 million people less than they would have been had the government not intervened. Ideally, the Chinese being less in number would make space for more education and employment opportunities. However, despite the growth in their economy, there are still not enough jobs for everybody. The privatization of state-owned companies in the 1990s did not alleviate the situation either.

What are the problems caused by Chinas current population control
In China, inequality is a more urgent social issue as compared to poverty. The unemployment was creating a big inequality between the Chinese. They also do not have an efficient social welfare system to support the unemployed. There have been attempts at the one-child policy, but this poses many social implications. It will greatly affect the well-being of the child because parents tend to shelter their children too much, especially if they are the only one. Also, there will be an imbalance in the sex ratio.

What are the future persectives of Chinas population

It will take a few decades before the population decreases significantly. The one-child policy is not sustainable, and it goes against traditional Chinese values. No one can tell for sure what will be the destiny of Chinese overpopulation, but one thing is for sure. China has to act now, and she has to act fast, if she wants to save her people from even more social and economic problems.


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